The Past: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that may have happened centuries=), decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes...or even just a split second ago! The Present: Cannot be properly defined. The moment you called "present" becomes the "past" in a fraction of a second. The Future: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that happens after the present. Its nature is fairly unpredictable.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Rules of the Game:
1. Post 5 weird/random things about yourself.
2. At the end of the quiz, list the name of 5 people who you want next to do this and leave a comment you are tagged in the tagboard and tell them to read your blog.
Let the game start!!!
1. It is possible for me not to talk to the person who sat beside me for the whole year.
2. It is impossible for me to slp without my hankerchief.
3. Things/People that are scary/disgusting fill me with awe and suspense.
4. I am Xtremely tolerant. (no kidding)
5. I scare people alot of times unintentionally when they say i appear out of nowhere or walk without any sound.
i want christy, wei qi, mei ting, lynette and serene!!
Monday, December 19, 2005
You focus deeply on your values and devote your life to chasing ideals... you often draw people together around a common purpose and work to find a place for each person within the group. You're creative and seek new ideas and possibilities. You quietly push for what's important to you, and rarely give up. You might be somewhat gentle or have a good sense of humor, you could be hard to get to know and overlooked by like to make the world more in line with your vision of perfection.
If you're a teenager, you probably have a bit of a rebellious streak. You might argue with others who hold different values than probably have a small close-knit group of can relax around these pals and be pretty entertaining, since you see the world in a different and special way... that's why your posts on the Storm Palace are so great!
Inner harmony is the most important thing to you. You're sensitive and loyal. You have a strong sense of honor concerning your personal values. You'd rather communicate your feelings in writing...
You do best in a flexible situation where the teacher/collegue takes a personal interest in like to interact with your peers, but not TOO much have both creativity and flexibility, and you like that about don't get bogged down by details...your job must be fun and it must be meaningful to don't wanna feel conspicuous so you'll sell yourself short just to avoid the spotlight...
You can be a gentle and subtle leader...being indirect and inclusive of don't confront people head-on, but rather work with 'em to get the job lead with your values in mind and let these guide don't like conflict, so you don't confront situations directly.. you'd rather wait for a situation to work itself out....
Leisure and kickin' back is really important to you. sometimes it is hard to separate work from play, huh? when you find a new recreational pursuit, you do a lot of reading up on it...most of your leisure things are done alone, like reading, listening to music, and even BBSing....when you want to be sociable, you can be very charming and outgoing..
Love is a very deep commitment to's not easily probably pick out flaws or are disappointed when he or she doesn't match up to your ideal as to what love should be like...first dates are very well set up to make sure everything is taken care of so it can be "just right." you might have a hard time sharing feelings about tell so many feelings inside that you forget to tell your partner that you love 'em or whatever....
If the relationship goes bad, you take it to heart, but probably don't tell many others about have a tendency to overreact, huh? Other things to watch for...don't get so caught up in your dreams that you don't consider others' might not adjust your vision to the facts of a may need a "reality check" once in a while... also, don't try to please everyone and be so hesitant to criticize... don't delay projects 'cause you're holding out for's not gonna come...don't get overly critical because no one matches your perfect ideals... you could lash out and it could get ugly.
INFP: "I Never Find Perfection"
i'm now in m'sia.
so qiao...i actually met shi min they all at the msia custom..last fri
i nv imagine to see them there, man.
some more they also take the malacca-singapore express.
but diff bus.
then got a break halfway and i saw them again.
turned out they're gg to zi shuo's hse in malacca to stay...erm until today...
there's shi min, yun hui, kitson, wei liang, li rong and zi shuo...
me and shu bin was discussing how far we've drifted fr sec 4 clzmates..
plus she told me her fun experience during her stint at mt alvernia hospital...
lucky her...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
![]() Dear Santa, This year I've been busy! Last week I attended Overall, I've been doing good (+4800 points). For Christmas I deserve loads of prezzies!! Sincerely, |
//Embrace the fiery sun!//
No matter what anyone say, I'm not going to do cip tml!
The past 2 days was already a trauma...
I realized that kids are juz a pain in the neck!
It's gd tt my sis is not a small kid already
Or else I surely cant tahan her.
Things I've learnt abt kids…
Kids- a species that is in its most curious stage…
Divided into 2 main types:
Small boys- cute appearance but in fact, a huge pain… always in search of dinosaur-related books…PLEASE dun ever ask me where those books are!
Small girls- cute too, perhaps, less of a pain but the screams and high-pitched laughter is a sure killer…mostly fans of Mr. Midnight series, which I cant imagine where they are…
Ok…I concede…I was once like that too…
The worst are the parents.
I dunnoe where the hell are the Harry Potter books!
The children’s section looked as though it was rummaged…
And stop trying to read to your kids some horrible facts-filled books.
They are NOT interested.
Today I was N0T planning to do cip
Supposed to meet Serene and Shubin
Haiz~ in the end decide to meet nx wk
Speaking of which, I'm going to step out of Spore!
Gonna have my passport stamped!
I'm gg to msia!
Ok, maybe it doesn't sound that great after all…
But I'm desperate…
That’s why…
Thursday, December 08, 2005
decided that i better update my blog..
today i was beaten at bowling AGAIN!
i swallowed 3 eggs-if u noe wad i mean
anyway...that's not stopping me!
nxt time u guys go bowling muz call me also...
anyway...the main thing today was service learning..
ok.. juz say that it is to "encourage" sec4 people to come to aj and to noe more abt jc life
6/500+ was the attendance..
(lynette, thanks for consoling me-ahaha)
the only girl in the grp seem to go along well with me..mayb cuz i lived in wdls and she IS living there now..
er- except that she was dying to noe abt aj and i wasnt so "dying" to share abt aj..
her 1st choice is aj and i wish her all the best and not suffer the same fate as
Monday, December 05, 2005
yea. so windy until my bloody red sec2 clz tee flew off.
it gained freedom, flying all around...
until it got caught on the third floor's ledge..
i hope i can recovered it.
anyway, for all of ya who lyk uncle C...
after the chanting session ytd, he decided to stick ard wif my family and den we met another aunty who also wanted to stick wif us (see? my family is so popular!)
den all of us went to eat at a nearby rundown coffee shop.
uncle C asked my father: Can 5-cent coins be use in Singapore?
of course my dad answered: yes, why?
uncle C: oh..because i got scolded by a drink stall holder last time.
i was thinking...
how can people look down on a 5-cent coin? it's still, after all, money.
den we found out why.
turned out uncle C used 20-30 five cent coins to pay for a drink...
and the stall holder said: *** nxt time u come and buy drinks from me, i shall return u this kind of money!
and by the sound of his first question to my dad, it seems as though he still do not get the picture.
haha- this is NOT a lame joke. should be classified as non-fiction.