Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Of possessions, pi and pawns

It is not at all uncommon for humans to associate happiness with material wealth, social status and position.
After all, possessing these tangibles are probably the life goals of some people, in their pursuit of happiness.
You might think that you own a job, a car or a house but is it mutual?
The job, the car or the house probably does not regard you as their owner.
No matter how much material wealth accumulated, how high the social status or position, nothing can stay with us forever.
Attachment to these tangibles will only bring anguish and grief one day when they are lost.
Often, how long we can hold on to them is unpredictable and of external control.
If we had never regard them as ours to begin with, there will be no sense of loss when circumstances forces us to give them up.
Hence, shouldn't people channel more energy to things are in their own internal control?

On a less serious note, life of pi is awesome.
With astounding nature scenes and an atypical storyline peppered with easy humour, there's nothing not to like about it.
Movie pace is just right, neither too draggy nor too fast that you can't enjoy the scenic views.
A shipwrecked survival journey told through the eyes of a small boy, there's nothing like it, not even robinson crusoe.

Being a pawn has it pros.
When all you can do is to follow, it leaves much more room for the brain to decrypt the motives of others and be awed by their swift, untraceable moves.

The enemy has long plotted and started the battle.
It's time for the pawns to move forward in unity and fearlessly.
Do it now or never.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

life, mundane as it is

Came across an interesting article, about Singapore scoring another 'first'.

S'pore most emotionless society in world: Survey
SINGAPORE - Singapore has ranked as the most emotionless society in the world by a Gallup survey, according to a Bloomberg News report.

The survey polled more than 140 countries to compare how people felt about their lives. Respondents were asked questions such as "Evaluate your life on a scale of zero to 10" and whether their life would be better or worse five years from now.

Singapore came in ahead of countries such as Georgia, Lithuania and Russia, for being the most emotionless society. The most emotional society was the Philippines, followed by El Salvador and Bahrain.

"If you measure Singapore by the traditional indicators, they look like one of the best-run countries in the world," Gallup partner Jon Clifton was quoted by Bloomberg as saying. "But if you look at everything that makes life worth living, they're not doing so well."

According to the report, not many Singaporeans answered "yes" to negative questions, and to questions measuring happiness, such as, had they smiled yesterday, had they learnt something interesting or felt respected or well-rested?

Only 36 per cent of Singaporeans responded affirmatively to either the positive or negative questions.

According to Gallup's research, only 2 per cent of the country's workers feel engaged by their jobs. The global average is 11 per cent.

"We are taught to keep going and not make too much of a fuss," research fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies Leong Chan-Hoong told Bloomberg.



An articles that speak volumes of the actual situation in Singapore.
Too many people too obssessed about the practical aspects of life.
They think about questions like: How to live life comfortably, How to maximise every dollar, How to retire early, How to have a great social life, How to look good etc.
It makes me wonder, is there more to this?
How about, "What are you living for?"
Most people think about how to live, but not what they are living for.
Perhaps, to silly peeople like me, knowing the purpose of life is far more important than fretting over the mundane aspects of life.
Still, pragmatism cannot be ignored.
Afterall, without being pragmatic, Singapore wouldn't have been able to score firsts in other areas.

Ending off with this song that's staying in my head recently.
The beauty of chinese words, that adds on the meaning and depth to a touching melody.

你是詩人 漫步在風花雪月的早晨
你不怕冷 外頭的氣溫正溫和
你微笑著 我的眼眶卻紅了
你是詩人 細數窗外雪飄落多繽紛
你很快樂 享受著孤獨的片刻
你多天真 以為一切是這樣的
幻想的都會成真 難過的都沒發生
夢想再大 你還是看不見我
愛的再深 你還是愛自己多
你不會懂 傷口真的會痛
你心裏的宇宙 我不在任何角落
世界再大 你還是原地不動
說的再多 你從來也沒聽懂
你的幽默 像玻璃劃破雙手
我在你的眼中 只是畫面拼湊
如果我受困在故事中 你是否會來拯救我

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday

I can still remember the time when I was young, in primary school, I always couldn't fall asleep on my birthday's eve because of the excitement for the following day.
The years after wasn't too bad, I had always thought of November as a special month for me.

This year, however, a sign of aging dawned on me.
I felt totally indifferent as the 'day' approached.
No longer looking forward to birthday.
The 'day' came as a relief to me, as I took some time off to be alone.
I guess it's a quirk of mine, sometimes yearning to break away from human contact.
Nowadays, social networking websites and mobile network are so pervasive, it makes people-to-people contact much easier and frequent, though the level of depth of such communication remains debatable.
Work, family, friends, acquaintanaces...
It just felt right to take a small break from all these.
After all, the day belongs to me and it's up to me how to spend it.

Recently, however (another sign of aging, perhaps), I have been thinking about how thankful I am to the people around me.

Colleagues- people I see everyday, they have been very tolerant of my immature self, my puny brain and my forgetfulness.
Friends- people who understand my seemingly aloofness, my weakness with spoken words, and weirdness.
Family- people who accepts my true self, my easily irritable self, and patiently listens to all the stories I have to tell.

However, nothing stays the same forever.
When bad times come, I know I have all these people to count on for support.
When the ugly side of people starts to show, at least I am still reminded of their kindness.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

the moment of truth

How do we know if someone is lying or telling the truth?
Behind every truth, is there always something more that meets the eye?
If the truth hurts, would you choose to accept it or live in denial?

The truth, probably is, not many people can accept the truth, there is a greater tendency for people to live in denial.. until it escalates to something huge, to a breaking point that one has no choice but to accept or run away. Fight or Flight. It's a choice. At least for now.

Some truths... you have no say over it. So the best is just to let the truth dwell in and walk away as though nothing had happened.

Many a time, the harsh, cruelity of the truth is prettily packaged and masked as something beneficial. In such cases, ignorance is bliss. Perhaps, not reading into something too much will prevent headaches.

Whatever, the truth has dawned upon us, whether with hidden intentions or not is still a mystery yet to be revealed.

Some people say that as humans grow old, they tend to revert to kiddish behaviour.
Well, this surely contains some truth.
Elderly, like kids are mostly harmless.
Other than due to their weaker physique, it has also got to do with their blatant honesty.
Elderly, like kids like to blabber alot, shooting off whatever is in their mind.
Being with them just makes you feel safe.
You can be pretty much sure that all that comes out from them are truths.
No hidden agenda, no concealing of likes and dislikes.
Sadly, this also makes them more prone to being scammed and made used of.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Fast ending weekends

The question, why does the weekends seem to pass so quickly must be the number one unanswered question in the minds of working class.
No matter how much one laments, monday would always come too fast, meetings come too furious.
To be able to live everyday like the weekends must be on everyone's wish list and that comes in the form of a holiday!

To combat the pre-monday blues on a sunday, I search in my mind for times or moments which I truly felt happy and at peace.
First and most recent happening that came to mind, the lone biz trip to Ireland.
In a week's notice, I had my luggage packed, armed with a few apps and maps of that place, I plunged into that part of the world very much unknown to me.
Despite all the amazing sceneries, fascinating culture and sumptuous food, the most memorable thing was the realization that I am living, breathing, walking on a foreign land all alone.
Nothing beats the feeling of being independent and in control.
I told myself that I will be returning next year on my own to experience it again.

While overseas trips are rare and limited, another easier way is through jogging.
With the breathing and footsteps in rhythm.
The shining sun beats on your back, as if it were an invisible force pushing you ahead, and giving you energy to increase your mileage.
The wind brushes against your skin, relieving heat and perspiration.
Eyes set on completing the winding jogging path, even though it seems to be a long road ahead, you know that with every step forward, eventually you will complete the route.
Nothing else except peace fills the mind.

Have to always keep in mind:
Stress is a state of mind.
You can always choose not to be in that state.
Your choice will not change the facts but will determine your mood.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Life does not have all the answers

Call me no ambition or coward as you like.
Sometimes... Sometimes I can't help but wish life could be simpler.
Everytime I pass by the neighbourhood bakery, I am reminded of how early it closes, at 8pm.
Often, by the time I get home, It is closing or already closed.

Maybe it has got to do with childhood influence, I can hardly ignore the aroma of baked breads and cakes wafting through any neighbourhood or shopping mall.
If I can open a bakery and sell delicious breads and nice-looking cakes, wouldn't that be good?
I imagined there would be endless satisfaction when customers frequent the shop, wanting for more breads and cakes.
Maybe I am thinking about it too lightly, after all, owning a business would never be as simple as I thought.
Perhaps I am just tired or whatever.
Perhaps I am just seeking temporal escapade from things.
Perhaps I just do not know where's my place in this complicated world.
Perhaps I am not meant for challenges at all...

Does the graph of income and happiness has a reciprocal relation?
Sometimes, talking with operators just made me feel that they are much happier, much satisfied with life.
Earning lesser doesn't take away their joys in life, as long as there is enough to go around.
Earning lesser doesn't make them any less intelligent/innovative/imaginative than me.
They just did not have the opportunity for further studies, for whatever reason.
Education-wise I am luckier than them, having the opportunity to get a degree.

Because of this, I have always reminded myself of how fortunate I am that my education route has been smooth. Of how I should put things that I have learnt to good use.

On the other hand, having studied for many years can be a bane.
We are always somehow or other 'guided' or 'prompted' to follow and tweak our mindset to get the correct answer.
There's no room for alternative ways of answering.
The aim has always been: Get the correct answers.
I myself am a victim of such mindset.
So much so that once stepped out into the working world, I am constantly seeking answers to questions that have no definite answers.
Where is the answer key that I have clinged so tightly to during my studying years?
Where is the dog-eared guidebook or notes which I have memorised by heart?

The realisation has dawned on me that there is now no correct formula that guarantee scoring.
There is no one method that promises success.
In the real world, there are actually more hypotheses than facts.
There are actually more variables than constants.
More confunding variables than known variables.
More grey areas than clear-cut black and white.

No answer key to dictate how you should phrase your answers.
No formula to assure you it will work.

Ironically, life is like a gamble, you can dictate only when in luck.
When not in luck, your life might be dictated.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Looking at the world with

I forgot my cbox password.
Forgot my musicbox password.
It's just amazing that I managed to remember my blogger password.

Commercialisation really kills things.
I remember not too long ago many people were blogging about their daily lives, random musings..etc.
Then came facebook, twitter.
Nowadays, the majority of the bloggers are those who earn money by blogging on sponsored items etc.
Trust social media advertising to jump on the bandwagon and bank in on the dollars.
Having to watch at least a few seconds of an advertisment which I have absolutely no interest in before I can watch the youtube video is irritating.
Not to mention many are repeated ones.
If you ever tuned in to the radio the whole day, you will get what I mean.
Same old advertising jingles playing the whole day, hoping the tunes would stay in the listener's brain long enough to induce them into thinking that the brand/item is reliable and therefore turning into consumers.

But that all had nothing got to do with me.
All I need is a space to rant.
This place is just perfect.
I might not have a place that belongs to me in the real world, but in this virtual world, this is it.
I had just revamped this place into something simpler, without all those 'cool' decorations.

There are tons of stuff I have yet to complete at work.
This is my problem... I can't get to work on them.
There are tons of things I want to do, tons of places I want to visit.
Once, I had read a line from a book which perfectly describes my situation right now.
If there are recurring themes in your life, perhaps, something is wrong.

Yes, definitely, today I complain about the "tons of things", one month later the likelihood is that I will continue to rant about the same "tons of things".
Somehow I am just fed up with myself.

What can't I get down to work and stop feeling so lethargic?
What can't I put up and plan to accomplish those things and keep to it?

This must be my biggest weakness yet.
Realisation is one thing, working to change it is another =X =X =X

One thing is for sure, life doesn't get easier once stepped out into the working world.
In fact, the workplace transforms one's rose-tinted view of the world to one that's the exact opposite.
Experiences and people you meet will simply tear away the naivity and innocence that a fresh grad could have.
It seems like wearing a mask is the best way to survive.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I forgot how many times I have told myself that I will become a better person.
Have I?
I lost track, lost count.

One thing is for sure though, I have not achieved who I want to become.
Still the same old laziness which overpowered the discipline.
Still the same old desire to escape from reality.

To give myself a pat on the shoulder though, I think I have become more logical than emotional.
But it's hard to keep it up.
When things don't go my way, the first reaction is still boiling anger.
Why the person refuse to do what he is supposed to and this is going to throw my progress off the track...in both sense, be it work or personally.

Seriously, I see no point all these competition at work.
Long term wise, whatever achievements you made today at work could be well forgotten (or replaced) years down the road.
To me, what is deemed an achievement, is personal growth...this will determine how far you can go.
Another important constant reminder: Seek excellence in personal growth, not just temporal accolades.

My task list is getting longer and longer, before completing one task, another two would appear from nowhere.
Sigh, another thing to change: work efficiency.
Deliberative is the perfect word to describe my way of working.
Taking serious care in making decisions.
I just simply cannot proceed when my mind is still in the thick mist.
Without full understanding, I cannot get things move on.
Coupled my slow brain processing speed, things are just even worse...=(

Recently, one colleague asks me, how do you keep motivated at work.
I dunno...do I even look that motivated?
Positive thinking helps... but as times go by, you will just be thinking how long it will lasts, and left wondering if positive times would ever come.


Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Sometimes.. just think about it, why are we so concern about how olympians fare?
Especially for those not from our own country.
Most people just know about those olympians which media sensationalised and hyped about.
Are the rest who are competing just transparent?

Also, we don't gain anything from their win.
Olympics should be viewed as a celebration of the world's finest in sports.
The idolisation of top sportsmen and women is just too much and over-the-top.
blogger has changed its interface!

my last blog entry seems so long ago.

with all the stresses and frustrations of the mundane working life, blogging is the last thing i have on my mind.

recently, everything is moving at such a fast pace, i can no longer afford to stop and ponder.
and going from a high to a low in a matter days, there's a mixture of feelings I don't know how to feel anymore.

This moment I could be full of optimism and the next, before that feeling totally left me, the pessimistic picture of reality dawn upon me.
The future is so unpredictable..I'm caught in-between.

Sometimes, I just wish the time can stop, so people can stop making mistakes..so mistakes wouldn't occur and things just remains as they were, at status quo.

After all, good times never stay for long.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life is full of impermanence.
Life is full of redundancy.

What matters more is not yesterday and tomorrow but today.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

//Discovery of paradoxes//

Principles of life contains many paradoxes.
In order to pursue the perfections, we have to understand the imperfections.
To do what is impossible means to re-think what is possible.

Perhaps I have taken the wrong approach to become a better person.
To become better doesn't neccessary to mean only to model after the best, or to find means to be better.
There is another way - To eliminate the faults.
When trying your best doesn't seems to work, it could be because your own faults are pulling you towards the counter direction.
Coincidentally it is analogous to newton's law: an object travelling in the same speed and direction continues to do so if all the forces are balanced.
Only a net force would do the trick, and that net force could come from either way.

Many people would say that growing older grants us greater freedom though more responsibilities.
Is that the truth?
When we were young, true enough that we were controlled by parents; in particular Asian parents who tends to hold a tighter rein.
The control I would say, is more of physically.
Mentally, it is the opposite.
Though a child has lesser knowledge, nothing is stopping the child's imagination in that limited world of his.
On the contrary, it seems that an adult has more physical freedom, yet lesser mental freedom.
Ironically, it is that wealth of knowledge of an adults that imposes those 'so-called' restrictions on his mind, impeding his ability to think out of the box or to accept new perspectives.
Not to mention all those mundane stuff that people have to do for a living, things which clouds the mind and barr it from functioning the best it should.

Having graduated for almost a year (this time last yr I was probably celebrating the end of school) means having a year of freedom.
Mind is free from manipulate physics formulae or memorising facts which who-knows when I will really use it. Yet the mundane work life kick in, taking up an even larger portion of my waking time.
With more people (me included) indulging in entertainment technology as an excuse to relieve stress, self-retrospection became an even rarer thing.

I really envy people who can speak ever so passionately about what they do, giving the blow-by-blow details of their work to other people, never caring about whether their audience ever got bored by their account.
Passion, confidence, intelligence.
Intangible things which I am seriously lacking in.
But someday, somehow, I need to find them.

Monday, April 30, 2012

From now onwards, I just want to be me.
Nobody will get to stand in between me and myself.
And the journey of becoming a better me starts now.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Keeping cool

It's difficult to keep cool and collected when frustrations are piling up.
Blowing off the top would only worsen matters, but offers the soul an outlet to release frustration.
Always have to keep in mind: when the other party is defensive and agitated , keep the cool and wait for the storm to be over.
This must be the most important realization of the week.

On another note, sometimes I just dislike my own horoscope.
Scorpios somehow are known to be the worst out of the twelve, in terms of temperament and character.
Selfish, over-sensitive, jealous and bear grudges are some of the bad qualities.
All the while I have tried not to be a scorpio, to ignore such intuitive bad qualities, to psych myself to be more forgiving and big-hearted.
I regard myself to be successful in doing this, in fact so much so that I am losing an identity of myself.
Trying to stay neutral to all matters and avoid gossips or rumours.
Trying not to take any sides.
Trying to treat everyone equally.
Trying to accommodate others in every single way possible.
Trying to ignore and forget the unhappiness others once inflicted on me.
Maybe they are happy.
But what about me?
Deep down definitely not.
I do not want to vent any frustrations.
But It's getting harder trying to turn those negative thoughts into positive energies.
Especially when things are getting more complicated and many circumstances forces you to show the true colors.
I'm all black inside.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Thursday, January 19, 2012

I cannot believe myself.
I had almost forgotten the existence of this blog.

Well, work is all about mundane stuff.
And my mind is too clouded with these mundane matters that I find little inspiration to write.
It doesn't help that I am 'fire fighting' almost every single working or non-working day.

Too many unpredictables, too many variables, too many uncertainties.
My life is just full of these, from student to working adult.
Especially now, it seems that I have to figure out things on my own else they will remain unknown to me forever.
And this, is complicated by the fact that I have yet to figure out the communication 'protocols', which is crucial to get things done as a team.

i think i'm kind of schizophrenic.
sometimes i just want to seek the easy way out...to get out of this altogether.
sometimes i believe i can do it..or to put it this way, desperately convince myself that i can pull this off.

sigh. i need a life mentor.