The Past: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that may have happened centuries=), decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes...or even just a split second ago! The Present: Cannot be properly defined. The moment you called "present" becomes the "past" in a fraction of a second. The Future: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that happens after the present. Its nature is fairly unpredictable.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The b-ball match was so exciting.
What got our adrenalin first pumping was the rush to get a cab outside sch.
We practically ran all the way.
And the auntie driver was so nice to allow us, 5 slim girls, in. haha.
Aj! jia you!
Actually i felt weird cheering like that.
ok. I think i just discovered my loyalty to aj today.
Hmm.... i don't know why, but there seem to be this super-strong desire for aj to win.
Until i forgot my palms turned super red and numb.
Maybe it's in human nature to want to beat someone supposedly stronger.
Or maybe i didn't realise i love aj so much =X
I have to admit that HCI put on a good show
Defence, attack and cheers.
But i'm proud to say that in aj, the spirit came alive!
Monday, May 15, 2006
//Rise and shine//
This is, perhaps, one of the few times that I felt democracy, is not the best form of solution. When the situation favours you, you tend to take everything for granted, however, when the tide turn against you, you tend to think deeper and realise what may seem ideal may not please everybody.
And I, for one, just realise that democracy, which I have been so glad for so many years that our govt is upholding it, may not create a win-win situation after all.
Perhaps it is due to the fact that I’ve always been part of the majority.
Face it. Humans, in their most inner, truest nature, are self-centred.
Many try to protect their own interest by providing a weak solution or a lame excuse out of thin air. But, of course, I’ve always believe that people should do what they want with their life and not be dictated by others. However, in certain cases, one should first consider the situation faced by other people.
Democracy- a process of majority wins
It is too broad a definition and definitely not one that can work in today’s world.
Democracy should be exercised with flexibility and priorities should be given to strong reasons and not something built from the air.
To create a win-win situation, it all boils down to having the foresight and the right plan in mind, a suitable atmosphere for discussions and getting your priorities right.
One have to learn that last-minute decisions and desperate measures will simply not work.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I remembered, from the nuclear physics lecture during which, amazingly, I did not fall asleep, that between nuclear fission and fusion, that the latter can only occur in the Sun.
Have we take for granted this "free" source of energy?
Of course i'm not saying that you should worship the Sun.
But it is in the depths of human nature to take certain things for granted.
Certain things like family, friendship...even our very own healthy body.
We often complain of not having this, not having that...
Have we ever considered those less fortunate than us?
In Singapore, have we take our govt for granted?
Lots of time we talk about mundane things like lifts upgrading, re-roofing, block-painting.
But where are the ideals?
We want the opposition to represent our unhappiness on some govt policies.
Where are the votes?
Ultimately, most people vote to show their defiance. To be rebellious.
After all, a opposition party which have proven itself to better the present govt have yet to evolved.
In the first place, putting words into action could prove difficult for some opposition as they may have the heart but are lacking in resources.
A credible opposition can only evolve if there is a more level playing field on both sides.