// returning to the “virtual world” //
As I looked at the title that I’ve gave to this entry, It seems like this blog has return to “life” from the “dead”. Haha.
Throughout all the blog entries, I have never discussed what this blog meant to me.
Perhaps because I have never thought of it.
In case anyone is wondering ( ß typing this is weird! ‘cause I’ve never imagine anyone to read my blog! ), today is just like another day. (I mean, not any anniversary or whatever that is regarding this blog )
Time passes without us knowing. But I believe, as I am sitting here and typing, I’m spending quality time unscrambling my thoughts.
To me, this blog is just like my life. Perhaps less mundane than life and contains many intangible things that we can’t see or feel in our usual, routinal lives.
Instead of recording cold, hard facts of what I’m doing at the point of my life as indicated by the date and time shown, the entries represent my inner spirit.
In my opinion, we often used too much of our brains alone.
Everytime I am blogging, I feel that my brain and inner spirit is connected.
My inner self dictating my dreams, hopes, thoughts and feelings.
However, once I return to the “real world”, the connection is lost and my brain tells me what to do.
Recently, I have been settling a lot of uni admission stuff.
That is secondary.
What is really difficult is choosing between the two course I am offered.
Arts and Social Science Vs Materials Engin
As different as the two are, to me, both are as appealing.
In the end, I chose the latter and only submitted at the eleventh hour ( both literally and figuratively! )
It was sort of a 45-55 sort of thing but I convinced myself to immerse in the school of thought that I should choose the course that I have some interest in and which will offer me relatively good career prospects.
I guess I should call myself a realist because I did not choose to pursue a course based solely on interest.
Actually, what is important is to be able to work hard in whatever you choose.
Thus, I’ve made a promise to myself not to return to my slack and pessimistic attitude.
Then after submitting the application, I kept wondering whether I should appeal, esp nearing the deadlines.
But I did not. I am happy for what I’m given.