The Past: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that may have happened centuries=), decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes...or even just a split second ago! The Present: Cannot be properly defined. The moment you called "present" becomes the "past" in a fraction of a second. The Future: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that happens after the present. Its nature is fairly unpredictable.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
yes. something is bothering me.
at home.
like a minor tear in the fabric.
though minor, once a little more force is supplied,
the fabric will be extremely easy to be torn into two.
tearing like nobody else's business.
On the surface it seems like everything was perfectly alright.
Except for the occasional arguments
Truthfully, it is a crack that will never mend.
You have never trusted me to make my own decisions.
You have always compared me to people better than me.
You have never been happy with everything that I do.
You have always thought that I was cowardy.
Sometimes, you make me have doubts even about myself.
You have stolen my self-esteem, stomped on my pride and shattered my self-confidence.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
simply adore this kind of weather today =D
Finally! I was able to wake up for my morning jog today.
What can I say? Simply rejuvinating!
To be able to exercise one's limbs.
I don't want to become a "psycho motor moron" anyway...
I met up with meiting and wei qi! yea.
Sometimes, people sigh and lament that many things can't withstand time, I'm so glad that our friendship could withstand years.
Anyway, thanks to weiqi, I realised that i'm green-yellow!
not literally but according to this book she borrowed from the library, personality types can be divided into different colours.
I did the questionaire and then read the descriptions for green people.
Points that I could remember:
-peace lover who will avoid conflicts at all times
-imaginative, sometimes even distort facts to support what we want to say (er-hem, i'm guilty!)
-motivational writers (note: "writer", not "speaker", the reason illustrated in the next point)
-leaves spoken sentences hanging halfway but expect others to understand the latter half of the sentence( ok this leaves me laughing all the way becuz it's way too true!)
-loves inspiration (everyone does also, right?)
I'm also quite the "yellow"personality.
I think, most likely becuz I make my decisions based on logic and rational thinking, rather than by intuition. "Greens" are people who trust their intuition alot.
Anyway, we went to Subway and visited shops in amk hub and central.
yes. again! I just went to the place just 2 days ago!
Hearty Italian bread with Italian BMT tastes so good!
This time round I managed to ward off all the temptations of buying anything for myself.
Afterall, I've spent a fair amount in the past two days.
Retail therapy after the stressful CAs ain't going to be cheap.
I got some stuff to coax my tutees instead.
It's got to be Children's Day soon. OCTOBER 1ST, as my tutees have kindly reminded me.
oh please, I will NOT forget Children's Day, or any other holiday, for that matter.
Even though it doesn't concern me.
Holidays just cheers people up =)
Yesterday was another busy day as well.
Project meeting with kun wu and ming ming.
we're supposed to write the intro for our project.
so after all the discussion, there's finally some headway to it.
I finally see the struture of our report.
Finally know what the others are doing and what we'll be doing.
I think my head was quite dense during the past few meetings as the ideas the other members gave did not ring a bell nor get into my head.
However, the downside was that i had to travel all the way to ntu for the meeting! argh.
Actually there was supposed to be meeting tomorrow but the group leader did not inform anything yet. Yet.
Sorry, but I do not subscribe to last minute decisions.
So nothing heard from anyone means no meeting.
Hence I hereby declare tomorrow is mugging day!
Which comes at the right time bcuz I have not touch any stuff that I'm supposed to be studying... since last friday =X
Monday, September 24, 2007
Recently I just felt like sleeping.
Even though I did not do anything much that would take up much energy.
But 10 hours of sleep just isn't enough.
I wake up feeling sleepy all over again.
If it wasn't the fact that I'm meeting my friends, I wouldn't force myself to stay awake.
Strangely, when i forced myself to keep awake, the sleepy bug didn't bother me again.

What's the difference between straight and gay?
As Chuck puts it, "Nothing, we're all humans".
Sunday, September 23, 2007
When I first received my timetable, I was glad they planned a 4-day week for this semester.
Ok. Except for week 7& 13.
Hence, I realised that for these two weeks, it's actually exam week.
So fri I had life sci CA.
It's kind of weird why we need to study life sci, they only included it since 2004, I think. Anyway, I was quite stressed over it cuz I had no bio background and there was no tutorial conducted for this subject.
I don't know why I was so stressed when the CAs were approaching.
After all, two of them were MCQ questions, only physics was strutured qns.
Previously, I would not even think much of MCQ tests.
After all, you can rely on your gut feeling if you do not know the answer.
Not that my intuition is esp accurate.
Sometimes, the options can help to jot my memory, I guess.
Many a times, I tend to get mind blocks/blanks when I get intimidated by strutured/essay in physics.
I'm so scared of the results! ar! but i heard the weightage of this test will be reduced to 30%-?. Ok, I managed to clear materials sci and life sci. phew. I mean, I don't intend to aim for full marks or what. Average marks will suffice.
Perhaps I should stop this depressing thoughts about exams.
It's officially a recess week! yea!
Actually, the holidays began right after the life sci CA.
After breakfast, it was off to SRC for basketball.
omg! i have never ever ever ever played bball!
Unless u count the insignificant no. of times during PE lessons.
not jc. maybe sec and pri sch.
We actually booked badminton courts but it was too early.
Furthermore, we had no bball but on the way, my frens they saw their frens going to the SRC as well so we sort of divided ourselves and play with them.
To add on to my humiliation, did I mention I was once called "psycho-motor moron"
To be exact, my sec 4 class girls were called that by my PE teacher.
I recently saw this term some where again. forgot where.
But it means that we are like "trees".
inflexible and slow.
ah whatever.
Yiwen was so enthu about it, I had no choice but to join in too.
Imagine...a noob at bball playing with a sporty girl and a group of pro guys that I dunno.
I guess those reading will feel sad for me.
But, I was quite impressed with some of the shots they put in.
Ok, tyco, I managed to shoot in a few goals as well ( "goal" a correct term? I do read about soccer but know nuts about bball)
that is provided no one blocked me or snatch the ball at that point in time.
I didn't have the "feel" for bball la. seriously.
Among the guys, it was quite rough lo. i mean, in my opinion only.
One got scratched by another's fingernail, leaving a long, red, painful line along his arm.
Yw got a nasty blister on her feet. with blood too. ouch!
Anyway, I was glad when the game ended.
I'll rather stick to jogging and badminton.
Badminton was on the list next. Waited for the rackets and wx's expensive yonex shuttlecock.
My hand was quite sore from the dribbling practice and shooting so I had no stength and conc. at all.
Couldn't even return easy serves! so yb and wx gave me some advice.
Rested for a while...I watched eunice, li qing, wei xiang and yuan bin played...while chatting with yiwen.
Then, eunice and lq wanted to go home, bathe and then shop at jurong.
The rest of us played a while then hui jun came after her jap class.
Time passed quickly...and we bathe at the nice SRC bathrooms.
Feeling extremely famished, we packed dinner at watch tv at the corridor of hall 1.
Finally! we- me, yw, hj, eunice, wx, lq went to yunnan garden for the mooncake festival celebrations! It was organised by the Chinese society.
There were games like catching fish (real guppies!), caricature drawings, fortune-telling, word games.
But I think their motive was to make money.
So many stalls selling food, drinks and stuff but we did not succumbed to temptation.
Just got the free lanterns, watch peformances, then went on a burning spree!
No. we did not manage to burn ntu la. Haha.
Just paper lanterns, sticks and dried leaves.
We set up a mini-mini campfire with the help of candles placed on the side of pavement and used the burnt sticks to scribble on the ground.
Then, a funny thing happened.
Everyone was staring at this girl who was staring at us first.
Actually she was smiling.
She went near our circle then stepped back, shaking her head when we threw her puzzling looks. Initially I thought one of my frens knew her but they were equally stunned by her.
Our thoughts were the same: Is she trying to tell us not to burn things and be eco-friendly?
We froze, waiting for her to say something.
Finally, in the midst of the tension, she opened her mouth, "Are you all doing fortune-telling?"
We shook our heads and I was desperately trying to suppress my laughter.
We all cracked up soon after she was gone with her group of friends.
Did we (forming a circle around the mini-mini campfire and lighted candle) looked like we are telling fortunes?
lol. she must be a foreigner who have never seen kids burning twigs and leaves on mid-autumn festival.
Then, we went back.
They were waiting for hj from her jc outing, yb fr dance lesson, jh fr modelling shots to have their sleepover. I did not stay cuz the next day i had to teach tuition at 11am.
On the way home, I was quite surprised that bus 179 is still full of ntu students even at such a late hour.
I'm looking forward to the break! Outings, project meetings and MOST importantly, to catch on my work. esp PHYSICS. argh!
Monday, September 17, 2007
This week is CA week. Horrendous week.
I could have predicted it though it's only monday.
Oh man. I was utterly demoralised after Physics today.
Not that the questions are particularly difficult.
Just that i'm too lousy.
should have revised before sch reopens.
Then i wouldn't have been lamenting about the lecturer's monstrous pace.
Then i wouldn't have lag.
This time round, it's confirm fail.
i mean, failed.
Then again, I would be surprised if i had gotten any mark at all.
30% of total burnt!
burn away my brain too.
Tomorrow: Materials Sci - hope for a pass
Friday: Life Science - completely disillusioned
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yesterday was the first time I experience tremors.
I was leaning against the wall and eating my dinner when suddenly I felt my head spinning.
I thought I was too tired. Then, I realised actually it was the wall moving.
Haha. A lot of people went down to the grass patch below my block.
Surprisingly, the construction of the new "Minds" school near my home went uninterrupted.
I admire their professionalism!
When the wall was rocking, I never felt so vulnerable before.
Should the block tumble, all of us will perish.
No wonder my late grandfather once said that LKY is smart.
You see, even though Singapore has so much reclaimed land and has built so many flats, nothing threatening ever happen even when neighbouring countries experience earthquake.
Man, I feel so fortunate.
Monday, September 10, 2007
//returned @ 855pm//
It's a LONG, BLUE monday every week
SO far, I've fulfil my resolution of NOT succumbing to sleep during lectures.
So far so good. But it looks like a lot of people are sleeping in lectures! lol
Physics is still difficult to understand, though it is better now.
What to do? with such lecturer and tutor. everyone is complaining too.
His famous quote
The lecture notes are only for your visual consumption, if you only study
that, you will fail!
Not a threat, it's the reality...
Barely an hour after Dr Ko's lecture on stress management...
Me: you live in yck ar? that's quite far...why never stay in hall?
Esther: oh i dread coming to sch...don't you think so? imagine...if I live in sch, I'll have the tendency to skip all the lectures and lock myself up in the room. displaying social withdrawal symptoms... and become depressed.
Me: ok, next, you'll become sucidal.
Esther: I'll probably climb to the highest level of ntu and jump.
Me: actually the highest level in ntu is level 1. but there is a possiblity of successful attempt cuz the basement levels are actually open to the air and not underground.
Esther: At least if i get to go home everyday, there's something to look forward to.
Me: ya. when we are going home, stress levels probably are low. then, the next day. on the way to sch, our stress level just skyrocket.
FACT: Women are more prone to depression and suicidal thoughts, but men are more successful in sucidal attempts because they uses more violent methods of committing suicide.
ok that pretty much sums up what we have learnt in the lecture.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Can't believe it. Time passed so quickly and gulp...the CAs are coming!
Busy, busy, busy.
Busy with tuition, busy with celebrating birthdays, busy with religion.
There just isn't enough time for studying!
月牙灣- FIR
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Be True Be Yourself
Sometimes, I wonder who am I. And why i'm not someone else. How would it feel if I'm someone else?
Perhaps all of us start from nothing at all. Then our actions determine our own paths. Or is it that everything was already arranged for us? Where we go...who we meet. Most of the time I believe that our actions determine our paths...this contradicts "be yourself". After all, who we are is determined by our values, experience and environment.
Haha. Maybe there's no point pondering on this. Since I have supposedly more important things to do.
Since school started, I think it's time to make some resolutions.
1. Try not to sleep during lectures (Stay Alert!)
2. Try to do all tutorials beforehand (Work Hard!)
3. Blog more often (Relax!)
4. Plan and manage time carefully
5. Jog more often