Friday, March 07, 2008

//Declaration of S/U? //

come to think of it, so far i did not do well for the electives i took for this sem.

the psychology test yesterday is bound to be a goner.

the prof actually gave out two versions of the paper, namely o1 (printed on white-coloured paper) and 02 (printed on yellow-coloured paper)

i was assigned the yellow paper.

then i kept wondering what was her motive behind that.

-to prevent copying? (not very convincing since we had to leave an empty seat in between two people)

-to test if people like conventional (white test paper) things?

-to test whether what she has done would result in distraction of thought?

-to prevent people from discussing the answers after the test?

-or any other logical reason

Go figure.

erm, perhaps it is a test of something.

haha anyway, we were sort of being "manipulated" as the"independent variable" in the sense of what we have learnt in our module.

anyway, vi took the white paper whereas i took the yellow one.

when we compared the questions we took, we realise she probably set the same questions for both versions but changed the order of questions.

who in the world can interpret her "Einstein-like" brain juices?
not forgetting why on earth did she imitate his hairstyle...=P

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

//the need to psycho myself to study psychology//

psychology is hard.
somemore it's more difficult for me since i have no natural aptitude for it.
in addition, i'm more SLACK than ever.
vi absolutely adore prof talia whereas i do not.
talia is a weird character but i guess that's what you would become after years of psychology.
i'm not surprised.

everything is a possibility.
no right or wrong answer.
a logical one would do.
the problem lies in the fact that each and everyone of us has a different definition of what is logical.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

//friends- forever possible?//

Even though I had laughed it off, what liqing said today about friends stayed in my mind until now.

Why do we make friends in:

1) Primary school?
- To play hopscotch, skipping
-To exchange stickers, stamps
-To talk with
-To complain about teachers with
-To ask, confirm, double confirm what homework the teacher gave

2) Secondary school?
-To discuss homework with
-To consult teachers with
-To complain about teachers with
-To join CCA with
-To gossip with
- To compare results with
-Because everyone go in groups and you don't want to be a loner

3) JC/Uni?
-To copy their homework
-To gossip with
-To complain about teachers with
-To widen your social circle
-Because they may be your future colleagues
-you don't want to feel alienated

It just seems that there is lesser and lesser reasons to make friends as you grow up.
Maybe that's why childhood friends are the best.
But one never knows when someone will change.
It is just so sad.
Societal needs has changed the way we make friends.
Who are your true friends who truly appreciates you for what you are?
And who are those who just to get something out of you?
It's hard to tell.

But as I think again, instead of bearing grudges against those "friends" whom had tried to make use of you...
Why not just keep an open mind and simply enjoy whatever that comes?
The world has its fair share of manipulative people.
Let's be one of those sincere ones instead.
Instead of doubting people every now and then, I think I'll rather simply treat every friend with sincerity and compassion.
I don't know whether I can seriously pull it off but I'll am going to give it a try if I happen to meet such people again.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

//The Leap Years//

For the first time, I realise you are a reflection of me.
I see myself in you.
You are chasing your dream while I am chasing after you.

- KS (Qi Yuwu)