The Past: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that may have happened centuries=), decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes...or even just a split second ago! The Present: Cannot be properly defined. The moment you called "present" becomes the "past" in a fraction of a second. The Future: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that happens after the present. Its nature is fairly unpredictable.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Since young, I have always believed that whatever that happens is a result of our own actions.
In other words, our destiny is in our own hands.
However, as I grew older, I realised that the world is not so simple.
People's mentality change as they age.
Things which will happen happens and there's no control over it.
The mistakes we made will make us look back and realise the causes and how we could have prevented it but there's no way you could have known it beforehand.
So? is this called destiny?
Many encouraging phrases by famous philosophers, theologians, ex-world leaders, ex-US presidents...people who supposedly have weathered turmoils and turbulents.
"Failure is the mother of success"
"The process is more important than the result"
and so on. which I cannot think of at the moment.
If you win, you win. Could it be due to luck and destiny?
You lose, you lose. if you keep losing, it is wise that you accept that your are born loser.
Everyone knows to win is better than to lose.
But why are some people trying to prove the contradictory I have no idea.
Being sceptical, I cannot help but think they are simply phrases of self-consolation.
Monday, December 29, 2008
I'm finally back to my comfortable home after spending 3 days at my religion's student camp.
BAck to water heater, laptop and TV!
Oh and, just in time to check out my results.
I hate getting Cs!
I wonder if the day of not seeing any C in my results slips will ever come?
At the same time, I'm rather happy to get a A- for intro to psychology!
yea! =)
hmm..makes me wonder if i should take up a minor.
Just for interests' sake ?
But my core mods will surely suffer. maybe a couple more Cs next time.
Super frustrated cuz the subject I spent the MOST time on reaped a Ccccccc.
Like I think I have blogged last time, I should have remembered to bring a watch to that killer exam!
Full of regrets now =(
Or else I could have gotten at least a B-?
Goal for next sem: To achieve grades higher than C for all the mods.
(my kenshu group)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hmm...rather envious because I have never been to those two countries before.
Level of envy: 10%
It's the MSE gang's one-day trip to Malaysia.
It's the first time I watched a RM6 movie. It's sooo cheap i can't believe it.
However, the screen turned blur at several instances.
Luckily I could understand Jim Carrey.
Anyway, It's so comical that I was laughing until I was tearing.
Jim Carrey IS fantastic.
BE A YES MAN. lol.
Then, we went to the Ktv, which was more roomy than Singapore.
To top it off, we ended the trip by going for zhi-char style food.
I think their stir-fried baby kailan is fresher than what you can find in Singapore.
Yea. I bought scones and egg tarts from 'Season' too.
Paid S$6 to find out the hype about Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series.
Sometimes, it's good to be a student.
You can just flash your ez-link card to be entitled to many discounts.
Haha. The econs term is 'price discrimination'.
Anyway, next time when I graduate... everything and everywhere will be adult-priced
and the best (and cheapest) entertainment is probably renting dvds to watch at home.
Okay, back to Twilight.
Ya, a bit disappointing.
However, I must say that it won't be easy to convert such books on supernatural beings into a movie. The director probably had a headache trying to find a cast of convincing
Oh well, I don't even know if I would watch the second instalment of the series when it comes out.
I was late for the baking session with debbie and hui ling.
When I reached deb's place, she was squeezing some coffee cream mixture onto some buns while hl was rolling some dough.
Haha. Truth be told, it was the first time I went anywhere near the oven.
Deb is so pro and skilful with the dough whereas hl and I were struggling.haha.made some really awful ones.
Deb's mum came into the kitchen and asked us what was that (the awful-looking ones).
Haha. In the end, hl and I took our 'creations' home. 'Creations' that I'll rather not be proud of.
Aiya, too bad hl couldn't make it for the gathering due to a wedding dinner...but haha we know that she'll probably meet sy in korea.
And, yes, hl is going to korea with christabel and a few other uni friends.
Come to think of it, it was rather true.
I was expecting a buffet-style dinner, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw my ex-classmates seated in a restaurant style.
Complete with candles, nice music and elegant ambience.
In fact, jiayi's place is really elegant and nice.
Then we had to wait for andee for the gift exchange...and he appeared rather late =(
Lucky deb =X
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Actually our mini getaway was to my uncle's house in KL.
Oh and can you believe it, his house is so near to Zoo Negara, Malaysia's national zoo.
I mean, in Singapore, our zoo is at such a ulu place where nobody stays.
In KL, however, you can find residentials near the zoo.
According to my uncle, the animals there are underfed and malnourished, so we did not visit the zoo.
The nice part of it is that we could see giraffes walking about the back of the house. (of course there were fences)
The downside is that we could hear threatening lion roars and elephant screeches.
Not to mention the pungent smell of animal manure occasionally drifts into the house.
Other than indulging in shopping, the highlight of the trip is going up the Petronas Twin Tower!
Actually, we just went up to the skybridge at the 41st floor. (The whole tower is about 81 storeys high)
Of course it isn't the highest in Asia already. (Taiwan's 101 building has taken over)
My mum and aunt kept saying the skybridge was swaying but I didn't feel any movement.
Perhaps it's all in their mind la.
Anyway, when the staff showed us some introductory video about the Petronas company, my sis and I felt it was so ironic.
Just one day ago, my uncle drove to a petrol station to pump his car but guess what?
The station staff said there was no petrol!
haha first time we're seeing a petrol station with no petrol for sale.
And it was not only one petrol station but the whole stretch of petrol stations.
Shell had no petrol, neither had Exon Mobil, Petronas or Berhad BHD.
It was until we reach the second Petronas station when there was finally a few pumping stations with petrol.
Later in the day when we went to this Jusco shopping centre, electricity was down when I was trying on some shoes.
The whole shopping centre was thrown into darkness save for a few dim lights in the department store.
All the other shops was in pitch darkness.
If there were dishonest people or thieves around, they could probably get a really fat loot.
As my uncle says, "Malaysia, no petrol, no electricity"
Another thing to mention is their confusing LRT systems.
At one platform, there can be two trains travelling in two different lines.
The catch is to look at the words shown on the front of the first cabin.
At first we did not know about this and caught the wrong train twice!
There was no different colour codes or whatsoever.
haha and I couldn't make any sense out of the malay words.
In Singapore, our LRT trains are colour-coded yet so many people still took the wrong one.
Are we so pampered?
By the way, the traffic conditions in KL is terrible, with jams everywhere.
Sometimes, the lights only allowed time for two cars to drive through.
I really admire the drivers there who have special adaptations abilities.
To avoid such long queues of cars, many of them skilfully did a U-turn, albeit illegally.
Anyway, knowing the kind of traffic police they have, most likely there will be no penalty.
Pedestrains are really bold to cross the roads in front of snaking queues of cars.
And the drivers are good at estimating the distance between the car and pedestrain to avoid knocking them down and at the same time move in the queue swiftly.
Overall, it's not too bad an experience, except for the fact that the bus operator cheated our feelings and money. They promised to let us alight at Kovan bus terminal but just before the Woodlands checkpoint came the annoucement that all will be getting down at woodlands checkpoint as the bus will not be going through the custom.
I bet that driver did not have a malaysian passport. (which by the way cost RM300)
That explains why we were issued new bus tickets (when we had already got on the bus) which was imprinted with RM 39 instead of the RM50 we paid.
Great. they have destroyed any evidence that we could use for lodging a complaint.
Having taken a 830pm bus, we were left stranded at wdl checkpoint at 2am.
What a nice end to the journey.