I hope I can pull through.
There is tons to do.
Next week is a terribly busy week.
Experiments due.
Cell culture.
Engineers & Society meeting
Psych class debate meeting
Psych research project meeting
Visiting Prof meeting
2 days of career fair.
Let me see if I still have time to attend lectures and tutorials. =/
What's making it worse is the need to prepare some research material for the meetings.
I don't even have time to do my fyp lit rev,
start writing my fyp report,
or do my presentation slides.
Much less to research on some space shuttle disaster 20-odd years ago
or on some psychology model and findings.
Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my psychology module.
One of our class assignment was to take the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator test and the Big 5 personality test.
Well, to me it's interesting.
I realise I am still an INPF at heart.
Introverted iNtuitive Perceiving Feeling.
But I have become more of a Thinking type than Perceiving type after entering uni.
It's the influence from all those engineering courses I presume.
At times, I actually get INTP instead.
Anyway, I'm side-tracking already.
The point is I have to read psychology journal articles for the project!
Not again.
I had a horrible experience with writing a psych lit rev previously.
Sure, journal articles across different disciplines definitely would have some similarities.
Trust me, those similarities ends at the abstract and intro section.
That's all.
I could barely comprehend their methods section, and their results and discussion sections looks like greek to me.
Sometimes I think I have no common sense.
Ok, actually most of the time.
I misinterpret my mentor's verbal instructions.
I couldn't catch up with her fast pace.
The consequence?
Countless times of re-doing experiments.