// I don't want to be inFLUenced //
a random day, what can i say?
the flu-struck me initially decided to skip school.
but to do make up for lab would be too troublesome.
besides, my psych tutorial will be dividing into project groups.
hence it's a bad day to miss school.
met a would-be intellectual tai-tai with her epiphanies.
quote: Not believing is a belief, It's a belief not believing.
well, my psych group mates of course, expectantly, knew each other.
felt a bit out-casted cuz the everyone present is a psych major (either yr 2 or 3)
after careful evaluation, I had appealed for this mod cuz it:
1. Fits well in my timetable.
2. Seems interesting compared to the rest.
(its about job analysis and personnel assesment..HR stuff)
would it be stupid to drop this mod?
I dunno.
other than the fact that my goup members and I seem not be able to get along,
I am rather worried about how the exam format is like.
almost certainly, psych majors taking this mod have an advantage over the minority like me, who plans to take a minor.
in fact, I was too engrossed in making a decision that I actually
forgot to visit the clinic at ntu after class.
decision to be made by : 18th jan
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