Saturday, May 21, 2011

// last exam down. FINALLY! //

No, not totally relieved yet, there's still the FINAL presentation on Monday.
I still have to work hard for it cuz I'm just not a natural presenter.
Left with 2 days to prepare.
Hope everything goes ok!

Heard some coursemates saying they will miss the exam hall.
No, I definitely will not.
That place is just a place of horror to me, too glad to get out anytime.
I'm just crossing my fingers for no freak exam results!!

Anyway, just some random thoughts.
Even though I'd be glad to be free from the claws of examinations, it seems like many things would change after graduation.
As students, there'll be a second chance to recoup from the mistake, or at least, the price you need to pay for your mistakes is comparatively lesser.
In the real world, there seems to be no room for making mistakes or errors.
Every single error counts against you and probably will remain with you for life.
Even if you were simply careless or truly repentant, who will actually believe in you?
They would rather trust someone with no black mark in their record.
Maybe I'm just pessimistic but the real world seems to me to be that cruel.
Plus, ethics and morals in the real world is not black and white, but of shades of grey.
The instinct to survive can even erode moral values and ethics.
Even though I believe one should be true to himself/herself, make decisions with the fundamental guidelines and trust one's own instinct, such an approach might not work.
Being true to yourself could offend others unwittingly.
Basing decisions on fundamental moral considerations is probably naive.
One's instinct might not be trustworthy, what with all the 'external noises' that might disrupt or mislead one's thoughts.
Maybe it's not so complicated.
Maybe I worry too much.

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