The Past: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that may have happened centuries=), decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes...or even just a split second ago! The Present: Cannot be properly defined. The moment you called "present" becomes the "past" in a fraction of a second. The Future: Defined as things, events, people, and even everyday occurences that happens after the present. Its nature is fairly unpredictable.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Rules of the Game:
1. Post 5 weird/random things about yourself.
2. At the end of the quiz, list the name of 5 people who you want next to do this and leave a comment you are tagged in the tagboard and tell them to read your blog.
Let the game start!!!
1. It is possible for me not to talk to the person who sat beside me for the whole year.
2. It is impossible for me to slp without my hankerchief.
3. Things/People that are scary/disgusting fill me with awe and suspense.
4. I am Xtremely tolerant. (no kidding)
5. I scare people alot of times unintentionally when they say i appear out of nowhere or walk without any sound.
i want christy, wei qi, mei ting, lynette and serene!!
Monday, December 19, 2005
You focus deeply on your values and devote your life to chasing ideals... you often draw people together around a common purpose and work to find a place for each person within the group. You're creative and seek new ideas and possibilities. You quietly push for what's important to you, and rarely give up. You might be somewhat gentle or have a good sense of humor, you could be hard to get to know and overlooked by like to make the world more in line with your vision of perfection.
If you're a teenager, you probably have a bit of a rebellious streak. You might argue with others who hold different values than probably have a small close-knit group of can relax around these pals and be pretty entertaining, since you see the world in a different and special way... that's why your posts on the Storm Palace are so great!
Inner harmony is the most important thing to you. You're sensitive and loyal. You have a strong sense of honor concerning your personal values. You'd rather communicate your feelings in writing...
You do best in a flexible situation where the teacher/collegue takes a personal interest in like to interact with your peers, but not TOO much have both creativity and flexibility, and you like that about don't get bogged down by details...your job must be fun and it must be meaningful to don't wanna feel conspicuous so you'll sell yourself short just to avoid the spotlight...
You can be a gentle and subtle leader...being indirect and inclusive of don't confront people head-on, but rather work with 'em to get the job lead with your values in mind and let these guide don't like conflict, so you don't confront situations directly.. you'd rather wait for a situation to work itself out....
Leisure and kickin' back is really important to you. sometimes it is hard to separate work from play, huh? when you find a new recreational pursuit, you do a lot of reading up on it...most of your leisure things are done alone, like reading, listening to music, and even BBSing....when you want to be sociable, you can be very charming and outgoing..
Love is a very deep commitment to's not easily probably pick out flaws or are disappointed when he or she doesn't match up to your ideal as to what love should be like...first dates are very well set up to make sure everything is taken care of so it can be "just right." you might have a hard time sharing feelings about tell so many feelings inside that you forget to tell your partner that you love 'em or whatever....
If the relationship goes bad, you take it to heart, but probably don't tell many others about have a tendency to overreact, huh? Other things to watch for...don't get so caught up in your dreams that you don't consider others' might not adjust your vision to the facts of a may need a "reality check" once in a while... also, don't try to please everyone and be so hesitant to criticize... don't delay projects 'cause you're holding out for's not gonna come...don't get overly critical because no one matches your perfect ideals... you could lash out and it could get ugly.
INFP: "I Never Find Perfection"
i'm now in m'sia.
so qiao...i actually met shi min they all at the msia custom..last fri
i nv imagine to see them there, man.
some more they also take the malacca-singapore express.
but diff bus.
then got a break halfway and i saw them again.
turned out they're gg to zi shuo's hse in malacca to stay...erm until today...
there's shi min, yun hui, kitson, wei liang, li rong and zi shuo...
me and shu bin was discussing how far we've drifted fr sec 4 clzmates..
plus she told me her fun experience during her stint at mt alvernia hospital...
lucky her...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
![]() Dear Santa, This year I've been busy! Last week I attended Overall, I've been doing good (+4800 points). For Christmas I deserve loads of prezzies!! Sincerely, |
//Embrace the fiery sun!//
No matter what anyone say, I'm not going to do cip tml!
The past 2 days was already a trauma...
I realized that kids are juz a pain in the neck!
It's gd tt my sis is not a small kid already
Or else I surely cant tahan her.
Things I've learnt abt kids…
Kids- a species that is in its most curious stage…
Divided into 2 main types:
Small boys- cute appearance but in fact, a huge pain… always in search of dinosaur-related books…PLEASE dun ever ask me where those books are!
Small girls- cute too, perhaps, less of a pain but the screams and high-pitched laughter is a sure killer…mostly fans of Mr. Midnight series, which I cant imagine where they are…
Ok…I concede…I was once like that too…
The worst are the parents.
I dunnoe where the hell are the Harry Potter books!
The children’s section looked as though it was rummaged…
And stop trying to read to your kids some horrible facts-filled books.
They are NOT interested.
Today I was N0T planning to do cip
Supposed to meet Serene and Shubin
Haiz~ in the end decide to meet nx wk
Speaking of which, I'm going to step out of Spore!
Gonna have my passport stamped!
I'm gg to msia!
Ok, maybe it doesn't sound that great after all…
But I'm desperate…
That’s why…
Thursday, December 08, 2005
decided that i better update my blog..
today i was beaten at bowling AGAIN!
i swallowed 3 eggs-if u noe wad i mean
anyway...that's not stopping me!
nxt time u guys go bowling muz call me also...
anyway...the main thing today was service learning..
ok.. juz say that it is to "encourage" sec4 people to come to aj and to noe more abt jc life
6/500+ was the attendance..
(lynette, thanks for consoling me-ahaha)
the only girl in the grp seem to go along well with me..mayb cuz i lived in wdls and she IS living there now..
er- except that she was dying to noe abt aj and i wasnt so "dying" to share abt aj..
her 1st choice is aj and i wish her all the best and not suffer the same fate as
Monday, December 05, 2005
yea. so windy until my bloody red sec2 clz tee flew off.
it gained freedom, flying all around...
until it got caught on the third floor's ledge..
i hope i can recovered it.
anyway, for all of ya who lyk uncle C...
after the chanting session ytd, he decided to stick ard wif my family and den we met another aunty who also wanted to stick wif us (see? my family is so popular!)
den all of us went to eat at a nearby rundown coffee shop.
uncle C asked my father: Can 5-cent coins be use in Singapore?
of course my dad answered: yes, why?
uncle C: oh..because i got scolded by a drink stall holder last time.
i was thinking...
how can people look down on a 5-cent coin? it's still, after all, money.
den we found out why.
turned out uncle C used 20-30 five cent coins to pay for a drink...
and the stall holder said: *** nxt time u come and buy drinks from me, i shall return u this kind of money!
and by the sound of his first question to my dad, it seems as though he still do not get the picture.
haha- this is NOT a lame joke. should be classified as non-fiction.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

monday i went to watch harry potter...
me and weiqi
meiting watch already mah...with dunno hu worx...=P
i was late lah..(sorry, wq) that i tink of it, that day was'nt so smooth-sailing, huh..
firstly, the 2.55pm show was SOLD OUT!
den wq had to do "new year shopping" (juz joking)
but couldnt find all the things she wanted.
den the S&K blouse oso dun have the size she wanted
anyway, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the movie wasnt as interesting as the book
maybe the director isnt as gd as the Mexican director in the prisoner of Azkaban...
Or it may be bcuz i was quite uncomfortable in the Cathay seats..
wadeva it is
the only good thing was the actors and actresses
by this, i'm referring to Daniel Radcliff's show of harry's more emotional side. when he cried for cedric.
and Rupert Grint's funny acts
and Emma Watson's arrogance
of course, the movie, unlike what many critics say, did not scare the hell out of me.
we couldnt even see Ralph Fiennes...only the eyes
unlike what critics say that his eyes are cold-blooded, i din even notice much about the eyes
i was too concentrated on his bald head...haha!
i was quite disappointed by the sight of Lord Voldemort
he looked juz like what aliens are portrayed in those sci-fi shows.
i guess, common muggles like us who have watch numerous sci-fi shows will not be awed by the Dark Lord's appearance.
i hope the nxt instalment will be better.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
yesterday...friday lah
went to amk library to do cip
haha.. slacked with bel at the indian section
found this gd hiding place
really tired wad
4hrs lei!
thurs i already back ache lah
cuz that day shelve children books
the children take more books from lower shelves lah
den i lyk have to bend down for hu noes how many times
but ytdy YP section, chi, children and malay and even tamil books
no.. i nv take any third lang
only need see label wad
not the title
tink tml not gg 4e3 outing...
have to bring my sis c xms
hope she'll want go there
p.s. thanks val for the be-be-belated it!
and last time i forgot to thank lynette and bel also...thanks!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
So sick of the rain.
Anyway, I went to hougang mall with my family in the evening.
Me and my sis wanted to soak up the “pasar malam” atmosphere so my parents decided that they’ll first go and “book” places at a kopitiam.
As me and my sis were approaching the night market, a teenager whose dressing was quite hip appeared out of nowhere, shocking the both of us.
She asked me to buy a donation ticket and I said I don’t have enough $.
And then she thought that I need more convincing and kept pestering me, but I kept refusing, and even said sorry to her.
She still didn’t get my idea so I walked faster.
Turned out, I guess she has longer legs than mine!
That was the last straw, I said “ I don’t have any money so do my sis!”
Finally she got off my back.
Really, this is an open society. One should not be compelled to doante.
Please, I do not meant to be rude to that person but people who really have the means and heart to donate do not need to have much convincing.
But I have the heart but not the means.
And I do not mean it as an excuse.
So, the next time you do some donation ticket sales or flag day, please do not pester people. If people say no, the chances are, they really mean it. Anymore “convincing” will only put them off. Ask politely and thank them even if they refuse. This is the way to a more acceptable society.
Went to Pei Hwa Sec.
For wad? – you asked.
Since I’m totally unrelated to this sch. – you reasoned.
Well, for my sis’s sake.
The PSLE results are gonna to be released 24/11.
After that, she’ll have to choose six schools.
5 yrs ago, during my time, there was no such thing as getting the results first b4 choosing the schs.
Mine choice- riverside- was based solely on my own gut feeling.
And I never go for which sch’s open house- to check out.
In the end, I still made the right choice
So wad’s the big deal?
Btw, in order not to bore readers of my blog – if any, that is.
Let me share a story.
Ok, it’s not scary.
One of my father’s friend visited our flat last Sat. I guess it is sort-of a farewell since he is leaving for Beijing for good –I hope so.
Ok. Till now u might get the idea that I don’t have a good impression of that uncle, but that’s not true. That fact is that he is going back to his already- divorced wife in China.
He of course, still loved that woman a lot and didn’t care about the past. But his many friends, including my parents are still distrustful.
But that is not the important thing.- I’m getting out of point.
It was a hot day so my mum cut some fruits to serve our guest.
Initially, she brought a whole bowl of papayas to that uncle and thought that he would only take a piece, since my father, aunty, me and my sis haven eaten any yet.
Who knows, that uncle- uncle C- I shall call him.
Took the whole bowl of papayas and devoured it.
At that point in time, my mum was fretting. – how? The others haven eaten yet-
So she took a whole bunch of bananas and tried to offer them to uncle C.
But he refused the bananas politely and continued to devour the papayas innocently.
But my mum was not one who would give up so easily- she was determined to get back the papayas.
She then took a whole box of kuihs- which my aunt bought- and offered them again to uncle C.
Uncle C did not detect anything was amiss and even thought my mum was too generous.
In the end, he said “ no need, no need, the weather so hot, must eat more papayas, I eat papayas can liao”
So you can imagine my mum’s “horror”
And my mum even thought nobody discovered her embarrassment.
Well- one person- my father did.
He pretended to be glued to the TV.
So when he recounted the story, there were lots of laughter.
Moral of the story: when visiting other people’s place, eat in moderation!
Yesterday I went for harmo pract.
Haiyo… die liao la. I cant play anything except the first and last note.
how am I going to live thru the concert next yr.
To me, In order to play a musical instrument well, u need to have the talent and practice.
Both of which I dun have.
But I think I have the never-say-die spirit.
I shall practice MORE…
“勤能补拙” 嘛!
After that went to pass up pw stuff.
Who knows for wad?
Anyway, I went to meet weizi at yck to go for job interviews tgt.
If everything goes well, weizi should be getting a customer svc job at mycds
I landed a job as chi-eng translator. But I guess I wont be able to go for it.
Tt’s y I’m in low spirits.
Nvm. 东家不打, 打西家。
Believe, believe…
Anyway me and weizi had a gd time at Chinatown.
It has pretty exotic finds and makes people wonder how the seemingly-deserted shops can survive.
Fei zai cher siew rice was nice. Except that it has some fatty meat which instills guilt in many, yet proved to be irresistible.
Friday, November 18, 2005
haiz...quite sian lah..
find dao job but cant do.
over-protective parents.
u get the idea- uh-huh.
there's nothing i can do if they are not convinced that i have grown up.
feeling quite sick also.
i dun wan to be a person who lives off her parents.
i dun wan to rely on my parents too much.
i dun the world to waste resources on me, since i'm not contributing to the society.
i want to work.
i shall find a decent hol job.
i shall not be looked down upon by my family.
and i shall prove it.
YEA! that's the spirit.
yes. i have the right mindset.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Today got the CDP- character development programme
Translation: listening to crap
Actually I thought of not going… but den, stay home also got nothing much to do, so I went lor… to pass time you see.
Haiz. My plan of finding a holiday job practically went to naught.
“ 17 huh? Eh… too young lah…”
“ Ok, thanks”
“Must work everyday wor… can you make it?”
“Er- no… one week got once or twice must go back to school” (for harmo ~argh!)
“Can you call back later… after 5pm?”
(after 5pm) “Can you call back tomorrow?”
What this?
Nothing is going in the right direction.
Which reminds me of the bowling session I had today.
Should gimme a prize for my courage, at least…~argh!
I’m lousy!!!
I must practise during this holiday!!!
Cannot throw face!!!
Yea! Jia you!
Role model:
Remy Ong ~omg, got so many things to do during holidays…

Come on, get a LIFE!
// Rain? No Rain? // - 14/11
ok, I thought it was going to rain…
It did. But it din even last 1/2 hour.
Went to the supposedly- class outing.
Ok… The Exorcism of Emily Rose was fantastic!!!
It is has an interesting plot, meaningful ending and the BEST part was the HORROR!!!
Supposedly to be a PG. But I think not many people can take it. Not as brave as me, mah.
Haha… made me think of someone who cuddled up, tried to cover her eyes and shut her ears. Pity man, missed the story. And she was surrounded by people lah. There was an empty seat beside me and I din even think of who “was sitting” there. (~ hee, juz kiddin’) Plus, in front of me got an empty seat also. Just nice, can enjoy w/o anybody blocking.
Let me “unveil” the story.
The movie started as a flashback…meaning Emily had already died. (as a result of a failed exorcism)
It mainly focuses on a court case between a counsel defending a priest alleged to have cause her death and a prosecutor on behalf of the people.
The HORROR part comes in when the description of Emily’s story was told by various witnesses.
And of course there was a disagreement because the parish community did not approve of the alleged priest testifying in court.
The movie is influential in the way that it made you believe that the cause of her death was because of demons. And not some illness.
Though at first I was paranoid about the priest’s story, the movie went on to make you believe it.
In the end, although a crucial evidence to win the case was lost, the counsel did her best in her closing statement.
It is a possibility that Emily was possessed by demons.
It is a possibility that some supernatural being touched Emily.
However, it is a fact that Father Moore loved Emily and tried his best to help her.
The prosecutor has presented facts that Emily had epilepsy, psychosis.
Facts are mere facts. They do not allow for possibilities.
And of course it would be stupid if the case were to go a roundabout… that the jury would change 360- degree… just because of the counsel’s speech… w/o care for the hard facts presented in front of them.
Thus, the ending that the alleged priest was declared guilty but his sentence was the trial period is a win-win situation.
The audience are more than just a panel of jury…
After the movie, went to this Killiney Road restaurant…bakery…wadeva you call it, to eat. Food was cheap and nice… Yea! Got a free meal. ( like real!) The only drawback was double dinner.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

// Sunny – the way my cactus love it! //
My cactus must have loved today.
What a fine day!
Oops… that not enough, it’s a clear day, except for marshmallow- like clouds, which dotted the azure horizons and sunlight filtered through the translucent curtains…
Ok, u can stop.
Yes. I just came back from the “Communication Skills” workshop.
The trainer is one who had been through many phrases of life… from dropping out of jc to becoming the best insurance seller at a firm… from leaving the firm at the peak of his career to unemployment for a year plus… From that to earning 3X his initial salary…
Wow. And here am I…complaining about my life…
For the psycho- geometric part, I chose a triangle.
But it’s definitely untrue that I’m a leader. And a vicious one at that. Who will even go thru under-handed means to achieve what he wants.
That’s so unlike me… which is a pity cuz I’m pretty interested in psychology…
I think I’m more like a rectangle.
One who doesn’t noe the direction of my own life. Dunnoe where I should go or come from.
Lost. That is. - 11/11/05
Yet another fine day.
Today, me and my mum got nothing to do, so we went to kovan.
Wah, kovan… long time time never go liao..
Suddenly got this heartland mall… for nice, cool shopping!
We went to this fantastic fishball noodle stall at the hawker center.
“ Rui Fa Shu Shi” serves this scrumptious mee-pok with bite-sized fishballs and meatballs and crunchy lettuce… to top it up, there’s this sour-spicy soup with bean sprouts floating up (never mind that the bean sprouts haven have their roots plucked off)
the queue was esp long! (although another fishball noodle stall was just next-door, which my mum claimed, serves delicious noodles as well)
And I remembered that uncle who sold that mee-pok.. already 9 yrs since I last came here.. although most of the stall tenants had gone, this jovial, gregarious uncle who sang and danced while cooking was still here .. and his antics still amuses his customers…
And we washed it down with fresh sugarcane juice.
Maybe I haven had hawker fare for a looong time…I’m still longing for it!
Unlike food court stuff which is bland and msg-ed, hawker fare is the real, good food in Singapore! (while on a low budget, that is)
Ok, while we are still on the topic on food.
I realised that food can also be inspiring.
Like when I watched “Yummy, Yummy” that night.
For every matter, one can always look at it from another angle, another perspective.
As long as you look at the bright side of life, you’ll definitely feel happier.
There’s this super-optimistic character, Chickadee, who is a happy-go-lucky.
Of course in life, we can never be happy always and there maybe no such person as Chickadee, but we can definitely strive to be like him.
So. I decided to be more tolerant and considerate towards people.
Life is Short.
We should try to be happy every minute.
(dunno how long this inspiring mood can last = P )
Today was sure an inspiring day. – 10/11/05
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Not that i really spend that much time doing pw.. juz that it's a relief..
wadeva that was done and/or did not do, doesnt matter anymore!!!
ok, calm down.. u r running amok.. haha. sounds vaguely familiar..
Oops...i haven do my "OR-gun-nic Calm-mer-stri" hol hw...
stop it!
let's c..
today aft OP, went to J8 eat mac wif yiling
Fish O filet student meal with the drinks change to iced milo.
serene, u gave me the "inspiration"
haha. jux say tt i'm indecisive on wad to eat
eat so many things.
go home still eat dinner summore
ok. i declare that i will def put on wtg during hols.
EAT and NO PE!
oh ya...
thanx yiling for the pencil case.. u nv break ur promises..
thanx mei ting and wei qi for the necklace...
haha meiting, still owe u a present
haha wei qi, always gimme necklaces. lazy to put on when gg out so admire them only..
heesh.. i've got not much inspiration to blog now...
The Mummy
你說要我 死了這顆心 最好永遠 存放在埃及像木乃伊 保持著神秘 敲也敲不破 連時間都忘記你一直嘮叨著所謂真理 剖開了心就看到我不是她的記憶要我節哀 雖然她不該 如果看不開 我怎麼活過來愛*木乃伊的心在燒 金字塔裡悶到老 也許我自己太在意 被拋棄無法忍受 黑暗的沉默孤寂 木乃伊的心在跳 抱著希望慢慢熬 我鼓起最後的一分力 撐下去相信真愛 就在我醒來的新世紀
Yea. Lin JJ. Singapore music hits awards. 4 awards!

Friday, November 04, 2005, i juz dun like rainy days... y cant everyday be a sunny one?
Today got OP..even more jia lat.. And sab is sick.. low group dynamics.. but at least got ME lah..
ya. muz look on the bright side.
next time will be better de.. believe... believe...
Ok, so Japan is saying that "US 1st, Asia 2nd rite?"
Tell me, is Japan part of Asia?
Sorry, i'm asking an idiotic qn.
i took a glance at my dusty copy of Newsweek, dunno which issue.
And the words " Why Japan has no friends in Asia" caught my eye.
In this world, who cares if u have any friends?
Each country is for its own survival.
Nvm the different ideals they hold.
the "economic ties" are much more impt.
So glad.
So country arent doing stupid things to jeopardise their own economy becuz of so-called "ideals"
Another thing.. dunno why pple cannot take a bit of tongue-in-cheek with a pinch of salt
juz a T-shirt with the words " I'm surrounded by idiots"
then cannot tahan.
we need more fun and less seriousness in this society.
things cant go in our way ALWAYS
y am i so serious?
buay tahan~
no lar. juz tt my life is a boring one.
So nth much to say wad.
Cannot always say i eat wad, watch wad, play wad, sleep wad.. i mean, at wad time..
CHAO boring.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Today is juz another sian day.
wad an irony.
when sch's in, i feel tt sch's BLAH.
when sch's out, i feel the same BLAH-NESS.
haha.. going crazy and dizzy over such HOT weather.
so, i dun feel lyk going out... juz stay COOL, staying indoors...
another thing, i'm addicted to blogging...
ok, i may be too late in getting on this banwagon, but i firmly believes to be here is better than not here.
i'm getting alot of distractions now and there, msn conversations pop-ups i mean, haha
now... wad did i wan to say?
ya... it doesnt matter whether people get to c my blog anot, it's nice to have a place to vent my feelings.
ok, i'm near-autism...
doesnt matter...
i hope i can retreat...
to a place of no human beings...
oh my.. why did i sound so sad?
aiyo... muz be hearing too much of christy tt it's all fated...
my being in aj and 1805
No! i muz change my fate!
Yea, tt's the way
(i'm getting a bit schizophrenic)
now... my wishlist
1. Everyone i noe to be HAPPY and HEALTHY
2. the WORLD can afford to be a more peaceful place...
3. Umm... can we have a "SLACKING" day every 2nd nov?
4. Learn ice-skating and/or inline-skating
5. b4 tt, muz learn how to cycle ( dun laugh at me :) )
6. Find a holiday Job
7. Do well for nxt yr As
8. pw BaND 2, at least...
got more... cannot think anymore...
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Sunny! What nice weather!
i almost forgot today is a weekday.. cuz all my family members are at home and my aunt will be arriving soon.
wads the occasion? bdae.. decided to celebrate today when no one is going to work or sch.
actually, for me it is juz a normal day wif no special significance.. every yr.. my mum cooks sth special and buys a sis and aunt give me some presents.. yar. since most of my relatives are in m'sia.
talking about presents..every yr.. i always manage to find out wat present my sis will b giving me, in advance and this yr.. its a PET TREE! yea!
ok, sum yrs ago i may have been excited abt my bdae and could not even sleep the nite b4. but in recent yrs, this day holds no special meaning and it juz represents how many yrs i have spent on Earth. yea. i've become more bitter and pessimistic.about life. about people. about everything.
what i have learnt fr people thus far.
Most always think that they are worse off than others.
Most never think b4 they say sth.
Most like to boast alot, with the cleverer ones concealing their intentions.
Most are attention-seeking species.
Most think of themselves b4 others.
Most never keep their promises.
Most only do what is beneficial to them.
Most blindly follow trends.
Most splurge $ on things they claim they need but in fact, they can definitely do without.
the list goes on and on....
i myself do not deny that i may be like one of the above.
anyway, i used "most" becuz i do not generalise. think of GP :)
Recently there is a newspaper article about Singaporeans Lotitas..
meaning girls sell themselves to get $
wad is the world coming to?
this is happening in a financially-developed country.
blame it on materialism.
i place shame on girls who, after the incorrigible act, went on to report to the police.
excuse me, even if u are underage, u sld not abuse that priviledge.
i tink i do not have any need to elaborate.
Friday, October 28, 2005
let's juz say that i'm dying of boredom at sch...
fold stars, fold cranes, seagulls wadeva..
the only good thing was that during rehearsal, my pw grp got EE for OP
i myself got a ME. Expected, i guess...
however...anything can screw up during the actual OP and, like i said,
prepare for the worst and hope for the best!
wad de....i still cant get out of alpha.. hello...i'm trying to get out of it b4 they really kick me out!
so throw face! but i guess i have no choice bah.. juz hope tt my name will not appear nxt yr.
ok ok, i noe that it wld be most UNLIKELY that i will continue to be in the list... which is wad i want!!!
i've bin bearing with the bad luck that i'm suffering fr.. ever since i step into jc this yr
my tolerance is getting thinner each day.
it's gd that today is the OFFICIAL last day of sch cuz if it drags any longer, i'm afraid i will not be able to take it anymore.
initially when i went into 23/05 i tot i'll be stuck in this clz for 2 yrs. dun get me wrong, i'm PEFECTLY FINE wif it. however, my sixth sense was not accurate enuf and i ended up in 18/05..
that's not all.. i also became any innocent "victim" and to cap it up, i failed maths and chem during midyr!
imagine wad my sec sch tchers wld say! haha
for the promos..well...i can "proudly" that i contributed 2 Fs to the clz for maths thru peer tutoring..
and that was partly the reason why 2 of my clzmates cant make it to nxt yr..
the irony is that hard work does not guarrantee success
that was the last straw...
why is everything going wrong?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Oh man.....i hate this weather...but then again, how can man do without rain?
Somebody ought to change the timetable.... with holidays approaching, why sld we still be in lectures?
I mean, give us a break, clao is juz on monday and there's still the pw, brainchild of dunno which admirable person...
Somebody ought to stand up for us, students....we're humans too...
Yesterday's NE field trip was OK... at least we can go out
It reminded me of my geography field trips... however unlike last time when my geog tcher was the tour guide, yesterday was a lady who spoke like the DJ on Symphony 92.4FM.
It had the hypnotic effect on me and soon i manage to doze off on a rocky bus journey.
And also, unlike geog trips where the hightlight (for me, at least) is the yummy food from changi village, maxwell hawker etc... we could only drool at the lau pa sat when the bus passed by.
For me, i think different cuisines available in sg sld also be included as part of national education.
hope is for nxt yr...................
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Finally DOne.
Com finally back to life also.
Happy. Sad. Confused.
Finally drop econs.. the burden..suddenly, i feel more relaxed..
That relaxed feeling have disappeared for a long time, since the moment i stepped into aj.
My promo results, as i expected, was not so gd..
Chem - C
Phy - O
Maths - D
Econs - E (after moderation)
CODE - code
I dont understand.. no link...
Today's OP was quite cham.. but... wadeva.. heck..
Saturday, August 27, 2005
diaos. how cum i cant get the html rite?
ok. juz hav to admit tt i'm a dummy in IT. i've tried many times to edit my template but failed for the same no. of times.
this present one is making my blog look wordy.. really wordy.. i hate this man.
Can anyone tell me if there's a "dummy guide to blogging" ? i will gladly read that.
Forget tt. The real thing tt is getting me frustrated is school life. It is so "BLAH". i guess tt's the best desciption i can come out wif. Till then, i will still use the word, "BLAH".
But there's def sum "interesting" things happening in the world outside.
Christy says military collaboration btw Russia and China is going to enforce communism.
Oh, come on, Is tt ever going to happen?
ok. i noe tt i sound lyk those "take-everything-for-granted" spoiled teens but those hu noe me jolly well noe that i'm def not tt kind.
For the past century, people have seen how communist countries becum democratic ones for example, Berlin.
Furthermore, haven bin China moving towards "Capitalism"? To me, there's no country practising "true communism" now- wadeva tt means. The Rise of China as an economic power isnt going to spread communism. trust me.
Oh, and the fact tt China and Russia MAY be dealing with nuclear weapons is sending chills down my spine. It makes me think of how fearful the world is.
Countries are guarding against each other.
Fears of communism, nuclear weapons, terrorism, haze, viruses... the list is nv-ending.
To make things worse, globalisation, i believe, is going to catalyse all these.
HEY, maybe it is beta to live with a "BLAH" school life then.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Pw is making me quite sick. ok lah. i noe many jc students oso face this problem. so i shall not elaborate.
Shud i juz drop econs? i dunno, but i'm totally prepared to drop econs. E only thing tt draw me back is tt i'm afraid i will becum slacker than ever. hmm. i will drop. unless a miracle happens in the promos.
wake up! i tell myself. a miracle doesnt happen everytum. O lvl it did. but maybe nt this tum round.
so.. i'm waiting..waiting for the " liang chen ji ri" (auspicious date and time) to do it.
wad de?! haha. i'm nt tt superstitious. juz jk only.
hump hump.. ya. i gt the clz pic liao.
i lyk the informal one (wif one of my clzmates posing on the bench). perhaps cuz it reminds me of last yr my sec 4 de photo taken on homecuming day, when choo (da best chem/form teacher) posed n all my clzmates doing " fleming left-hand rule" ( O lvl phy, adoi)
den we were wearing our orange t-shirts ( aft arguing b/w maroon and dark blue)
N we won the best decorated stall! 3rd april 2004- a day i will nv 4get...
ok, pls snap out of ur reverie! u said b4, the past is meant to be treasured, nt regurgitated!
haha.. here m i, dreaming again..
a pro at this at sch.
p.s. todae is 15th of the seventh month.