monday i went to watch harry potter...
me and weiqi
meiting watch already mah...with dunno hu worx...=P
i was late lah..(sorry, wq)
hmm...now that i tink of it, that day was'nt so smooth-sailing, huh..
firstly, the 2.55pm show was SOLD OUT!
den wq had to do "new year shopping" (juz joking)
but couldnt find all the things she wanted.
den the S&K blouse oso dun have the size she wanted
anyway, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the movie wasnt as interesting as the book
maybe the director isnt as gd as the Mexican director in the prisoner of Azkaban...
Or it may be bcuz i was quite uncomfortable in the Cathay seats..
wadeva it is
the only good thing was the actors and actresses
by this, i'm referring to Daniel Radcliff's show of harry's more emotional side. when he cried for cedric.
and Rupert Grint's funny acts
and Emma Watson's arrogance
of course, the movie, unlike what many critics say, did not scare the hell out of me.
we couldnt even see Ralph Fiennes...only the eyes
unlike what critics say that his eyes are cold-blooded, i din even notice much about the eyes
i was too concentrated on his bald head...haha!
i was quite disappointed by the sight of Lord Voldemort
he looked juz like what aliens are portrayed in those sci-fi shows.
i guess, common muggles like us who have watch numerous sci-fi shows will not be awed by the Dark Lord's appearance.
i hope the nxt instalment will be better.
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