Not that i really spend that much time doing pw.. juz that it's a relief..
wadeva that was done and/or did not do, doesnt matter anymore!!!
ok, calm down.. u r running amok.. haha. sounds vaguely familiar..
Oops...i haven do my "OR-gun-nic Calm-mer-stri" hol hw...
stop it!
let's c..
today aft OP, went to J8 eat mac wif yiling
Fish O filet student meal with the drinks change to iced milo.
serene, u gave me the "inspiration"
haha. jux say tt i'm indecisive on wad to eat
eat so many things.
go home still eat dinner summore
ok. i declare that i will def put on wtg during hols.
EAT and NO PE!
oh ya...
thanx yiling for the pencil case.. u nv break ur promises..
thanx mei ting and wei qi for the necklace...
haha meiting, still owe u a present
haha wei qi, always gimme necklaces. lazy to put on when gg out so admire them only..
heesh.. i've got not much inspiration to blog now...
The Mummy
你說要我 死了這顆心 最好永遠 存放在埃及像木乃伊 保持著神秘 敲也敲不破 連時間都忘記你一直嘮叨著所謂真理 剖開了心就看到我不是她的記憶要我節哀 雖然她不該 如果看不開 我怎麼活過來愛*木乃伊的心在燒 金字塔裡悶到老 也許我自己太在意 被拋棄無法忍受 黑暗的沉默孤寂 木乃伊的心在跳 抱著希望慢慢熬 我鼓起最後的一分力 撐下去相信真愛 就在我醒來的新世紀
Yea. Lin JJ. Singapore music hits awards. 4 awards!

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