Wednesday, April 25, 2007

// Sheryl Crow’s ideas to wipe out global warming- the ramblings//

Today I read the newspaper and saw this amusing piece of news.
Sheryl Crow is a great singer but that may not translate into being a great environmentalist.
But still, kudos for her efforts to think of these “easy” ways to save the Earth! =P

1) Limit each trip to the bathroom to one square piece of toilet paper

Well…this is a bit like intruding into our privacy. Anyway, how easy is it to make sure everyone really uses JUST 1 square of toilet paper? By the way, Sheryl definitely did not do any research. Some brands of toilet paper do not have squares!
Furthermore, I really do not think this method will help save trees because toilet paper is actually a recycled product and not directly produced from trees.
A better idea is to ration toilet papers. Then again, the price would go up and that may give tree-cutters more incentive to cut trees.

2) Don’t use paper napkins, instead, use your sleeves

Ooh…does preserving nature means that we sacrifice our hygiene?
As the preacher of such an act, let’s just wait and see if Sheryl Crow can eat her pasta and make a big, red tomato sauce mark on her US$5000 Gucci dress(provided the dress has sleeves) while dining with an US president wannabe , discussing ideas about his latest book “An Inevitable Truth”. I’m sure a few pages will be devoted to how, as human beings(celebrity or not), we have a secret desire to wipe our mouths on our sleeves after a meal. Then all of us shall celebrate.
And, who knows? It may become the latest “red” carpet fashion in Hollywood.

3) A TV reality show in which the winner would be the contestant who lives the most environmentally friendly life. The prize would be a recording contract.

Well, this is even easier than American Idol! Let’s cross our fingers that Sanjaya would not take part if Sheryl’s dream became reality. Plus, I’m worried about the fate of American Idol…this reality show may just surpass AI in terms of popularity.
Apparently she got a misconception that environment-friendly people could sing and vice versa.

Anyway, from the above, I hope we don’t get a misconception that singers are environment-friendly.

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