Tuesday, February 03, 2009

// hrm //

HRM lessons always get me thinking about the stuff
I wanted to do but have never got round to get to it.
Perhaps due to a lack of courage, time, opportunity
or all the above factors combined.

our lecturer is a business women who set up her own
training consultancy company.
she's always giving us encouragement like,
it's a good time for you to explore what you like
so that you can make good choices in your career
and not waste time like me, who spent a good
number of years in SIA before knowing what I
want to do.

I guess what she meant is to grab every chance
possible to try out stuff so that we can all find
our area of niche and interest.
Apparently, according to her, everyone has a unique
value proposition.
(Oops, this sounds like we're some market product or whatsoever.)

anyway, i'm beginning to realise that the content of my
core subjects are rather dry.
things like electrons and calculus are things I can't relate to.
in contrast, hrm and psychology are much easier to understand.
one exception though, i think i can still live with thermodynamics.
maybe i've found what i want to do.
which is not i'm training in.

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