Saturday, October 15, 2011

//emotions are just culprits//

getting all woke up and emotional over small little things isn't worth it.
i have a perfect example at home.
amicable atmosphere ruined, trust shattered.
i must treat it as a lesson learned.
much as i dun trust people easily, sometimes you just gotta give people benefit of the doubt.
especially if it's your own daughter who have never lied to you.
there is nothing at all that I can do if there's no trust..even after nearly 23 years.
in the past i might get emotionally charged too.
but after so many years, countless readings, i have sort of 'seen the light' and am now much more logical.
arguing with someone in the heat of the moment is such an idiotic thing to do.
i will never do such a thing, if ever.
the bomb will be exploded instead of being defused.
if emotions are the culprits, logic is akin to the prosecutor.

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