Sunday, October 07, 2012

Fast ending weekends

The question, why does the weekends seem to pass so quickly must be the number one unanswered question in the minds of working class.
No matter how much one laments, monday would always come too fast, meetings come too furious.
To be able to live everyday like the weekends must be on everyone's wish list and that comes in the form of a holiday!

To combat the pre-monday blues on a sunday, I search in my mind for times or moments which I truly felt happy and at peace.
First and most recent happening that came to mind, the lone biz trip to Ireland.
In a week's notice, I had my luggage packed, armed with a few apps and maps of that place, I plunged into that part of the world very much unknown to me.
Despite all the amazing sceneries, fascinating culture and sumptuous food, the most memorable thing was the realization that I am living, breathing, walking on a foreign land all alone.
Nothing beats the feeling of being independent and in control.
I told myself that I will be returning next year on my own to experience it again.

While overseas trips are rare and limited, another easier way is through jogging.
With the breathing and footsteps in rhythm.
The shining sun beats on your back, as if it were an invisible force pushing you ahead, and giving you energy to increase your mileage.
The wind brushes against your skin, relieving heat and perspiration.
Eyes set on completing the winding jogging path, even though it seems to be a long road ahead, you know that with every step forward, eventually you will complete the route.
Nothing else except peace fills the mind.

Have to always keep in mind:
Stress is a state of mind.
You can always choose not to be in that state.
Your choice will not change the facts but will determine your mood.

1 comment:

Yick Loong said...

Heh, yeah, weekends pass too fast for my liking.

But... I think our elders might disagree with us about this post. Many I know wish that they are still working (albeit, not so stressful) or doing something meaningful everyday. As it seems, the grass always seems to be greener on the other side. Guess it is all about time management.