How do we know if someone is lying or telling the truth?
Behind every truth, is there always something more that meets the eye?
If the truth hurts, would you choose to accept it or live in denial?
The truth, probably is, not many people can accept the truth, there is a greater tendency for people to live in denial.. until it escalates to something huge, to a breaking point that one has no choice but to accept or run away. Fight or Flight. It's a choice. At least for now.
Some truths... you have no say over it. So the best is just to let the truth dwell in and walk away as though nothing had happened.
Many a time, the harsh, cruelity of the truth is prettily packaged and masked as something beneficial. In such cases, ignorance is bliss. Perhaps, not reading into something too much will prevent headaches.
Whatever, the truth has dawned upon us, whether with hidden intentions or not is still a mystery yet to be revealed.
Some people say that as humans grow old, they tend to revert to kiddish behaviour.
Well, this surely contains some truth.
Elderly, like kids are mostly harmless.
Other than due to their weaker physique, it has also got to do with their blatant honesty.
Elderly, like kids like to blabber alot, shooting off whatever is in their mind.
Being with them just makes you feel safe.
You can be pretty much sure that all that comes out from them are truths.
No hidden agenda, no concealing of likes and dislikes.
Sadly, this also makes them more prone to being scammed and made used of.
I simply love reading your blogs! the rantings make so much sense and tells me i'm not alone. Sometimes i wonder why we should even bother with looking for truths/answers. One day, if we can look beyond all these, i think we'll be happiest! call it stupidity or what, who cares? Yet, i'm one of those battering with the notion of 'knowing'.
Haha wac, good to hear of someone who share the same 'troubles' as me haha.
I guess, it depends on how important the answer is.
If I am able to live without knowing the truth, perhaps ignorance is bliss.
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