Monday, September 17, 2012

Looking at the world with

I forgot my cbox password.
Forgot my musicbox password.
It's just amazing that I managed to remember my blogger password.

Commercialisation really kills things.
I remember not too long ago many people were blogging about their daily lives, random musings..etc.
Then came facebook, twitter.
Nowadays, the majority of the bloggers are those who earn money by blogging on sponsored items etc.
Trust social media advertising to jump on the bandwagon and bank in on the dollars.
Having to watch at least a few seconds of an advertisment which I have absolutely no interest in before I can watch the youtube video is irritating.
Not to mention many are repeated ones.
If you ever tuned in to the radio the whole day, you will get what I mean.
Same old advertising jingles playing the whole day, hoping the tunes would stay in the listener's brain long enough to induce them into thinking that the brand/item is reliable and therefore turning into consumers.

But that all had nothing got to do with me.
All I need is a space to rant.
This place is just perfect.
I might not have a place that belongs to me in the real world, but in this virtual world, this is it.
I had just revamped this place into something simpler, without all those 'cool' decorations.

There are tons of stuff I have yet to complete at work.
This is my problem... I can't get to work on them.
There are tons of things I want to do, tons of places I want to visit.
Once, I had read a line from a book which perfectly describes my situation right now.
If there are recurring themes in your life, perhaps, something is wrong.

Yes, definitely, today I complain about the "tons of things", one month later the likelihood is that I will continue to rant about the same "tons of things".
Somehow I am just fed up with myself.

What can't I get down to work and stop feeling so lethargic?
What can't I put up and plan to accomplish those things and keep to it?

This must be my biggest weakness yet.
Realisation is one thing, working to change it is another =X =X =X

One thing is for sure, life doesn't get easier once stepped out into the working world.
In fact, the workplace transforms one's rose-tinted view of the world to one that's the exact opposite.
Experiences and people you meet will simply tear away the naivity and innocence that a fresh grad could have.
It seems like wearing a mask is the best way to survive.


Christy said...

Yoz! Although I can't understand why you wanted to change your template (I'm sticking with mine), I totally am in the same situation as you are now - tons of readings to do, but haven't got down to it since March and now I'm frantically trying to complete a presentation due in 2 days. Oh well. My life revolves around Procrastination.

Yick Loong said...


It has been a long time since I read your blog (and my own). Is there a "like" function for this post? :P

Where are you working at now? I am doing IA at DHI Water and Environment. I must say that the welfare and work environment there is very good as it follows European laws.

Yea, the whole world is becoming commercialized now but it does not mean that we have to be sucked into it. Contrary to that, what many people do not realise is that by posting often on Facebook, one is unwittingly revealing personal information to strangers. Just one of the examples...

Ultimately, it depends on what do one really wants in life. Career progression? Family? Social activity? Perhaps, when we have all set our priorities in life correctly, and not just take whatever comes our way, we might just be more motivated to achieving the goals in life.